fermate: Eröffnungskonzerte "Sterne des Südens"



Ever since Goethe's three Italian journeys, we have looked longingly and rapturously to the south from German-speaking countries. Hugo Wolf's Italian Serenade, which exudes light, warmth and light-footedness and marks the start of our musical journey, is also part of this tradition. The clownish characters from a Fellini film create an exuberant atmosphere in Nino Rota's clarinet trio. We then set sail for the Iberian Peninsula, indulging in the spirited rhythms and luscious harmonies of Turina and Albeniz and being beguiled by Obradors' melodies, which cannot deny their Arabic influence: Seven songs that savor all the highs and lows of love with relish. Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

Let yourself be classically seduced and enjoy the live experience with our fermate musicians, when it is once again: clear the stage for the Palatinate!

Admission: 7.00 pm

Advance ticket sales: From 2 May - Click here for TICKETSHOP!
or by phone: Ticket hotline: 0 63 46 - 69 799-10
for further information please visit www.fermate-klassikfestival.de


29.08. - 30.08.2024 · 19:30

@ Contact

Verein Südliche Weinstrasse Landau-Land e.V.

Hauptstraße 4, 76829 Leinsweiler


+49 6345 3531



Weingut SieneR - Dr. Wettstein

Bengertstraße 1, 76833 Siebeldingen

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