
Bad Bergzabern

Kurpark Bad Bergzabern

Kurpark Bad Bergzabern
76887 Bad Bergzabern

Phone : (0049) 6343 989660
Fax : (0049) 6343 9896666


Located directly at the spa park is the Haus des Gastes - opened on April 13, 1983, from Jan. 2010 to April 2010 the foyer and the restaurant as well as the outdoor area were completely rebuilt.

The spa park was created in 1955 by the famous horticultural architect Valentin with an area of 70 000 square meters.

A strikingly beautiful tree stands directly at the rear entrance of the Südpfalz Therme. It is a trumpet tree. The English botanist and plant collector Mark Catesby discovered this tree in North America around 1725 and sent seeds of it to England. Everything about this tree is actually striking, the large heart-shaped leaves, at flowering time in June/July the lush white pileus and the long pods reminiscent of vanilla, which decorate the tree in winter in a striking way.

In the middle of the spa park, on the left side in the direction of Kneipp Street, we come to the tree whose appearance significantly characterizes the spa park. It is a Causasian wingnut, an imposing tree from the Juglandaceae family, which has no equal far and wide. The wingnut is a close relative of our walnut, which is especially evident in spring, when long, greenish catkin flowers adorn the tree.

In the front area there are also Kneipp columns, a water treading pool, information about the Nordic walking center, a miniature golf course, beautiful flowerbeds and a statue of St. James.

The back area is around the swan pond.

opening hours